North Shore Adventures
The best hiking, biking, and paddling from Duluth to Grand Portage.
Minnesota's North Shore is a paradise of trails, waterways, and scenic beauty. It's meant to be explored.
Local author and outdoors enthusiast Katie Berg has hiked, biked and paddled the entire region. Now, she's sharing the best trips with you. From peddling one of the Midwest's top-rated bike parks at Spirit Mountain to paddling along the shoreline of the Lake Superior Water Trail, experience the adventures that this unparalleled region has to offer.
200 pages
General Store Favorites
Gift Card - In Store Redemption Only
Pure Minnesota Wild Rice
Mini Popover Pan
Custom NAME Puzzle
Euro Scrubbies
General Store Cookbook
Family Christmas Book
Frasier Fir Room Scent Collection
Tamarack Hoodie
Frasier Fir Home Collection
Pumpkin Spice Mini Knob